Transform Your Garden and Home

Transform Your Garden and Home

  • Installing a Shower Screen? Consider These Types of Glass

    If you are looking to add a touch of elegance to your bathroom, one of the simplest ways to do this would be installing glass shower screens. This material has the propensity of injecting sophistication to your space, which would enhance the ambience while still providing you with privacy and preventing spills when you take your shower. Nevertheless, selecting glass shower screens is not merely about purchasing the first or the cheapest option you come across.

  • 5 Space-Saving Hacks for a Small Bathroom

    Does your bathroom have little space to store spare towels? Do you bump into the sink when you try to take a shower? If so, you aren't alone. Many homeowners are stuck with bathrooms that are too small. Here are five space-saving hacks that will help improve any small bathroom. Wall Mount Everything Cabinets, cupboards and freestanding shelves have no place in a small bathroom. Replacing furniture with wall-mounted alternatives such as shelves will free up valuable floor space.

  • Quick Tips for Deciding on the Right Gutters for Your Home

    Your home's gutters are very important for the home's overall condition; gutters keep rainwater away from the home's outer walls and foundation, reducing the risk of water damage and eventual leaks. The downspouts connected to your home's gutters also direct water away from your property's lawn, so your yard is less likely to flood. When your home needs new gutters, note a few tips that will help you determine the right type and style to choose, so you can discuss your options with a roofer or guttering expert.

  • Add Some Style and Function to Your Home With Custom Made Doors

    When it comes to your home's interior, you may not give much thought to the doors you use for various entryways. However, custom made doors can add lots of style and personality, and may even be more functional than standard doors. Note a few suggestions for custom doors you might have made and installed in your home, and which can be much more functional and a lot more stylish than the doors you have currently.

  • The Traditional Love Affair for The Modern Windows: Ways to Use Café Curtains

    More casual than full-length curtains, café curtains were originally hung in European cafes to screen diners from passersby. These abbreviated window treatments used to be everywhere, especially in bathroom and kitchen windows. Fortunately, café curtains are inching back into radar, and they are more modern than ever. You can spot these curtains in contemporary living areas where they provide a note of softness without the volume that comes with full draperies.

2024© Transform Your Garden and Home
About Me
Transform Your Garden and Home

Hello. Welcome to my wonderful new blog where I am I going to impart my wisdom about how to maintain your home and garden. I do not work as a home and garden contractor, however, I have years of experience of trying to improve my garden and home. I have made some mistakes, yes, there have been mistakes, who doesn't make mistakes? Thankfully, my natural genius and massive intellect have always seen me succeed in the end. I now feel that it is the right time to impart my knowledge to others. I hope you find this blog useful and entertaining.
